Leonardo Da Vinci’s inventions

Сборы завершены
20 000 тг.
2 000 000 тг.

“A path into the world of history of mechanisms”.

A path into the world of history of mechanisms. A unique chance to see the devices that helped the inventors of the past create a comfortable life. Leonardo Da Vinci’s inventions of a helicopter, a fire hydrant, a parachute, a bearing etc. will open the history of the past.

Путь в мир истории механизмов. Уникальный шанс увидеть устройства, которые помогли изобретателям прошлого создать для нас комфортные условия жизни. Изобретения Леонардо Да Винчи вертолета, пожарного гидранта, парашюта, подшипника и т. д. откроют историю прошлого.

  • A museum that can attract pupils and students.
  • Its opening can be announced in the newspapers along with the university name
  • Students can collaborate developing their lidership and communication skills working on this project
  • A good possibility for the students to apply their knowledge of technical subjects in the project that is not simulated and will exist for a long time
  • The fee for the tickets can be introduced for the visitors of the zone with Da Vinci’s Inventions
  • All schools of our city will be attracted, and their pupils are the future students.
  • The location can be marked in Google-Yandex maps that will serve as constant additional advertising of the university
  • #davincimuseum        Hashtag Da Vinci museum        Social Media Advertising
1Фролов Евгений Валерьевич5 000 тг.
2Толкачев Дмитрий Алексеевич5 000 тг.
3Meirambek Satybaldiev5 000 тг.
4Алдашева Айша5 000 тг.