ChemBattle 2024

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📢Dear Students of SCE!👩🏻‍🔬

🤩We are happy to announce an annual “CHEMBATTLE” which will decide the best chemist in SCE!

Stage 1:
We start with 16 participants, and each of you will tackle 20 questions. Only the top 10 scorers will move on to the next stage.

Stage 2:
Those 10 contenders will then face another set of 20 questions. This time, only the top 4 performers will advance to the final showdown.

Final Stage:
In the grand finale, the remaining 4 participants will go head-to-head with yet another round of 20 questions. The one with the highest score in this stage will be crowned the ultimate champion of Chembattle!

Date: 15.02.2024
Time: 16:00
Location: Room 222

🧪Don’t miss this opportunity and chance to show off your knowledge. The number of participants is limited, so have time to register.
For participation fill in the link:

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Заполняя поле "ID студента" Вы подтверждаете правильность введенного ID студента.

При подписке на ежемесячные платежи Вы становитесь членом KBTU Alumni Association.

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Нажимая кнопку "Сделать вклад" Вы соглашаетесь с условиями и тарифами сайта.


Плательщик Сумма
Fund Fund 32500

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