Psycho Express KBTU

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Have you ever wanted to have an individual consultation with a psychologist⁉️

There is an event for you!⬇️⬇️⬇️


🥳🥳🥳November 15th, there will be Psycho Express KBTU for students.

What does it mean❓

The best psychologists of Almaty, working in different modalities, have been invited especially for you:

✅Gestalt therapy,

✅Art therapy,

✅Metaphorical cards,

✅Existential analysis,


✅Transactional analysis,

✅Relive therapy,




✅Sports psychology, etc.

You can use the services of one of the specialists absolutely free and anonymously!

Can you imagine? Any psychologist and for free❗️

Date: November 15, 10:00-14:00

Locations of psychologists on the territory of KBTU:

📍Halyk Bank Coworking space,

📍foyer of Kazybek bi,

📍728 room,

📍149 room,

📍155 room.

You can track current locations and other details of 15th of November via links:

With love,

Your psychologist

Melita 🤍

+7 777 1900 100 – WhatsApp (messages only)

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Плательщик Сумма
Fund Fund 244075

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