Report for the 2023-2024     KBTU StudentLife  

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    One of the main aspects of student life at KBTU is participation in the activities of KBTU Student Union (Student Government, House of Schools, House of Student Clubs and Communities (35 student clubs and communities).

     Student Fee (student fee of undergraduate students) is intended to support and develop student projects and initiatives in the following areas:

  1. intellectual and scientific development
  2. Sports development
  3. Cultural and creative development
  4. Social development, entrepreneurship and start-ups

   Thus, the Student Fee is paid by the student once at the moment of admission to the University until 2 September 2024 to the account of the Corporate Fund “KBTU Endowment” and is 40 000 tenge. The payment is non-refundable.

It is recommended to pay Student Fee in the period from 26 August 2024. – after enrolment in the university.


How to get funding for a project if you are part of the KBTU Student Union
(Student Government, Corps of School Presidents, Corps of Student Organizations and Clubs):


Step 1 The Applicant shall submit to the Budget Commission the Application for Project financing in the form according to Annex 1 to this Procedure, not later than 20 (twenty) working days before the date of the event to the postal address
Step 2 Upon acceptance of the Project Funding Application, the Budget Commission will initiate a meeting.
Step 3 The Budget Committee shall review the submitted Application for Approval of the Project and its accompanying documents for compliance with this Procedure. If necessary, the Budget Commission may request additional information and materials.
Step 4 The Applicant shall present the Project and provide explanations on it at the meeting of the Budget Commission. After reviewing the Application, the Budget Commission shall make a decision in accordance with the requirements of this Procedure.
Step 5 Based on the decision of the Budget Committee with the participation of the Student Affairs Department, organizes the financing of the Project through the Corporate Fund “KBTU Endowment” with notification through the corporate mail, from the funds received as Student Fees and other donations from third parties, according to this Procedure. 
Step 6 If the Budget Commission denies funding/reimbursement of a submitted Project, the Budget Commission shall inform the Applicant of the reason for the denial.
Step 7 Goods and services purchased with the Student Fund are subject to control and monitoring by the Budget Committee.
Step 8 The Department of Student Affairs may make recommendations to fund specific, strategically important Projects for the student body within the limits of sponsorship funds, but not from student contributions. The decision to approve funding for these Projects rests with the Budget Committee.