Chill zone

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Collected 40000 from 3000000
from 01-09-2023 04:53 till 31-12-2023 06:35

Purchase of sofas, tables, armchairs.

Location Foyer Kazybek bi

Support project

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By filling in the "Student ID" field, you confirm that the student ID entered is correct.

By subscribing to monthly payments you become a member of the KBTU Alumni Association.

By filling in the "Student ID" field, you confirm that the student ID entered is correct.

By subscribing to monthly payments you become a member of the KBTU Alumni Association.

Documentation for review

By clicking the "Make a contribution" button, you agree to the terms and rates of the site.


Payer Amount
Botagoz Kozhakhmetova Student 2500
Кулыбеков Алан Student 2500
Анонимное пожертвование Student 2500
Акульбеков Дамир Student 2500
Қалиасқаров Әлішер Student 2500
Рахмет Урсула Student 2500
Baibarys Assanbay Student 2500
Садыков Амирагзам Student 2500
Сериккали Аруна Student 2500
Тлеухан Еркебулан Student 2500
Aizere Keneskhan Student 2500
Turar Shugyla Student 2500
Yelnur Bagdaulet Student 2500
Ураков Алихан Student 2500
Утеулиев Наиль Student 2500
Timur Saparov Student 2500

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