Tesla show project

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Collected 30000 from 300000
from 19-10-2023 04:53 till 08-11-2023 06:35

A unique opportunity to see the action of alternating current nearby. Lightning reduced by 30 times and AC music will make an impression.

  • A show that can attract pupils and students;
  • Its opening can be announced in the newspapers along with the university name;
  • Students can collaborate developing their lidership and communication skills working on this project;
  • The fee for the tickets can be introduced for the visitors of the zone with Tesla coils;
  • All schools of our city will be attracted, and their pupils are the future students;
  • The location can be marked in Google-Yandex maps that will serve as constant additional advertising of the university;
  • #teslashow Hashtag Tesla show Social Media Advertising.

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By filling in the "Student ID" field, you confirm that the student ID entered is correct.

By subscribing to monthly payments you become a member of the KBTU Alumni Association.

By filling in the "Student ID" field, you confirm that the student ID entered is correct.

By subscribing to monthly payments you become a member of the KBTU Alumni Association.

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Payer Amount
Ахметова Дина Student 2500
Кокенов Ерасыл Student 2500
Каиров Даниал Student 2500
Magzhan Bigabatov Student 2500
Arystan Abdykhalyk Student 5000
Natalya Zatsepina Student 2500
Габибов Заман Student 2500
Дворникова София Student 2500
Турсунгазы Дастан Student 2500
Кошербаева Махпал Student 2500
Белинский Дмитрий Student 2500

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